Tracking your website traffic is very important to know if your website is getting enough traffic/hits. It also gives provide with valuable information when it comes to online marketing. There are many way you can use to track your online visitors called hit counters. A web counter or hit counter is a computer program that tells you the number of visitors, or hits, a particular webpage has received. Once set up, these hit counters will be incremented by one every time the web page is accessed in a web browser. How web counters work? Hit Counters contains numbers. The number is usually displayed as an inline digital image or in plain text. Images may be presented in a diversity of fonts, or styles; the classic example is the wheels of an odometer. The hit counter regularly is accompanied by the date it was set up or last reset, otherwise it becomes impracticable to guess within what time the number of page loads counted occurred. Web counters are not 100% necessarily trustworthy. A webmaster could start the counter at a high number to give the impression that the site is more popular than it actually is or use a traffic generator to increase their hits automatically. The number of hit counters is increasing by web user who tend to like the idea of the hit counters because they are: 1) FREE: It’s totally free to get a hit counter. All what you need to do is to login and choose the counter you like. 2) Easy to install: All what you need to do is to copy and paste an HTML code in your web page. Get a free hit counter and know where your traffic is coming from. This is an important step as you market your web site. There are many resources available to help you effectively track your stats. There are free resources available to add a traffic counter on your web site. Some of them are very good and when you are just beginning to market your website, a free service may be the best solution. Visit: Web Portal - Free Hit Counters. Source: | > |