Your brain chemistry drives you – it drives your energy
levels, your moods, your thoughts, actions, behaviors, your
beliefs, your desires, dreams, and motivations. And in turn
these all drive your brain chemistry. Peak performance
starts with understanding our body’s physiology.
Neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine, create
and reflect our feelings moods, thoughts and behaviors.
They are a powerful group of chemicals in the brain that
result in physiological and psychological changes in how
we experience our lives. All behavior has a corresponding
chemical pattern in the brain.
Behaviors and our experience affect our biochemical profile
and our biochemical profile affects our behaviors and our
experience. By picking up the yellow flags that tell you when
your brain chemistry is out of balance you can take specific
steps to put your self back "at choice" and in charge again.
Here is how you will know that an out of balanced brain
chemistry is driving your behaviors.
1. You are not happy.
Contentment, happiness, appreciation are emotions not
readily available to an out of balanced brain. Practicing
appreciation, gratitude and forgiveness can promote
optimal brain chemistry.
2. You are stressed.
A neurochemically imbalanced body is stressed – it is tired
and listless, its mind is dull and foggy, it is weak, and it
suffers needlessly more than it needs to.
3. You do not have insight.
An out of balance brain misperceives. And it misperceives in
the direction of the imbalance. It does not have access to
accurate perceptions. Because an out of balance brain
misperceives it does not have access to insight.
4. You are driven to certain behaviors.
When your brain chemistry is out of balance, you are driven
into unhealthy lifestyles and behaviors. You unwittingly
begin to engage in activities, behaviors, and lifestyles that
create neurochemical chaos in your body. You are not "at
choice" - you are not choosing deliberate considered action.
5. You do things that you do not want to do but feel good
to you in the short term.
When your brain is out of balance it drives you to do
behaviors that will keep it out of balance. It seeks its own
imbalanced baseline.
6. It feels good to continue doing the same old things
that you want to change.
When you seek to establish a new baseline brain chemistry
that supports a change you want to make, there are
numerous physiological feedback loops that act to keep it at
the old baseline. It will feel uncomfortable to change these
physiological feedback loops.
The behaviors that keep you out of balance will feel good in
the moment even though you may not want to be doing
7. You rely on what "feels good" to you as your guide to
When you have out of balance brain chemistry you can not
rely on what feels good to you as your guide for what you
should be doing, feeling, thinking, experiencing. You must
take deliberate conscious actions that are specifically
designed to bring your brain chemistry back into balance.
8. You do not recognize the need to choose a deliberate
action designed to balance your brain chemistry.
When you are driven to a behavior, thought, feeling,
experience it is exactly the time that you need not to do that
because it will drive you further out of balance. An out of
balance brain drives your behaviors and experience in the
direction of the imbalance.
9. You believe that you can override your biology.
You alter your brain chemistry, manipulate your
neurochemical profile and affect your body’s physiology
every day by what you do and don’t eat or think, and how and
where you spend your time.
Through your daily behaviors and the environments you
create your biochemical profile and this is reflected in the
emotions, energy, thoughts, actions, and psychological
states that either bring you into peak performance or that
block your best functioning. Neurochemicals are not the
essence of who we are but they are the physiological
brakes or fuel for the fullest expression of the essence of
who you are.
10. You think that you cannot change.
You need 3-6 weeks of consistent action to begin to see
some real noticeable results in your behavior changes.
However, the brain seeks to return to baseline for about 3-6
months. So when you do not follow through with your
changed behavior the brain will gravitate back to the original
unbalanced baseline.
It takes 6-12 months of compliance with the new behavior to
affect the enzymatic changes that change the brain
chemistry baseline. When the baseline brain chemistry
changes you are less subject to day to day drastic swings.
The new behaviors that keep an optimal brain chemistry for
you become part of what you naturally do.
You can have the knowledge, power, and technology to craft
your inner and outer worlds in order to overcome the stress,
resistance, and friction in them. Through your daily
behaviors and the environments in which you spend your
time you can create the emotions, energy, thoughts, actions,
and psychological states that you want.
You can promote clarity, focus, peace, excitement or you can
contribute to confusion, depression, anxiety, and conflict
within yourself. The degree to which you have one or the
other of these experiences is the degree to which you are in
harmony with your body’s physiology or in conflict with it.
How close are you to a balanced neurochemistry is the
degree to which you will experience peak performance.
Take the time and effort to design and live a life that fosters
your optimal brain chemistry . Open the way for optimal
development of your personal resources, talents, and
dreams -- your Peak Performance.
Designing your life for Peak Performance can produce
phenomenal results in improving your well-being, achieving
your dreams, and living the successful, healthy and
integrated life of your choice.
Mary Ann Copson is the creator of the Evenstar
Mood and Energy Management System for Women.
With Master's Degrees in Human Development and in
Psychology and Counseling, Mary Ann is a Certified
Licensed Nutritionist, a Certified Holistic Health
Practitioner, a Brain Chemistry Profile Clinician, a
Professional Life Coach and Human Development
Consultant. For resources about reconnecting to your
natural rhythms through better management of your
physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual
energy visit