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Simple Peanut Butter Cookies

Have you ever heard the expression , “its like bobbing for water, you can’t miss” ? Well, this is one of those recipes that is like bobbing for water .. its goof proof. As a nurse, I rarely have time to play in the kitchen. So time is always an issue for me.

But, if you like Peanut Butter Cookies and don’t have a lot of time, his recipe is just for you.

You will need a Cookie Sheet, Peanut butter, Splenda or Sugar and eggs.

Combine the 2 eggs and Sweetner (splenda or sugar) 2 cups and add 2 cups of peanut butter. Mix the contents thoroughly. Now make about 1 or 2 inch balls with the ingredients and then slightly flatten them with a fork making a cross hatch pattern.

Now your ready to bake. Turn the oven to 350 degrees and let it preheat. When the oven is ready, place the cookies to be baked in the oven and bake for 10 – 12 minures de-pending on your oven.

Allow the cookies to cool when they come out of the oven and voilla !

You have the worlds easiest Peanut Butter Cookies and they have less calories then the conventional Peanut Butter Cookie.

Enjoy and Happy Holidays !

Denny Knutson, LPN,EMT, Maa
Emergency Room Nurse

